
Showing posts from November, 2019

Living disconnected

Why do I feel so alone in this world? Today I took a core value and an enneagram test and the obvious results came out. I am afraid of being abandoned and I have a strong fear of failure. This is because I lack support and security. At the same time, I am so trapped in my thoughts and so emotional that my inner compass, the direction from my gut, my true self voice are all silenced. Following these, it would build my confidence, but I have no inner compass to guide me. I killed it. When moving to a new country I stopped being me, as a way of being flexible and adaptative to integrate into the British cold, distant, passive-aggressive, sarcastic culture. I am Latin, I was warm, tactile, lively, jolly, radiant. Now I feel so dead on the inside. My family says that I've changed into a distant cordial person, so almost into British. In my effort to fix myself I came across a youtube conference about the effect of sun deprivation, and a Tedtalk about stress and depression cause...

Why does the same product has different prices?

For over a week, I've been staying in Berlin and I will be here for a few more weeks. What surprised me the most were the prices. Everything is so much cheaper than in UK. Ridiculously cheaper, from cosmetics to food, to transport, health, to clothing. Now, why is that? I will go to Vienna in a week and I've been looking online for a certain product that is crazy-expensive there comparative to UK. Again, why is that? As a manufacturer in terms of ethics would you like to create a product that benefits the customers worldwide? Since the production cost is X in order to sustain the business it would be reasonable to then maintain the price at Y anywhere on the globe. Would this be fair on the customers regardless of their country's location and economical situation? For example, should there be transparency in the manufacturing costs? If one company gets its ingredients from a third-world country with a low economy at a tiny price, should then the store price reflect th...

Who am I?

I'm not sure if you are like me, yet over the years I kept on wondering who am I and what makes me be me. I know it's a bit philosophical at this hour 15:55 ;) yet what makes one different from the others and what unites some people versus others? You could say it's the type of hobbies, interests, relationships, food choices etc? Yet this is not enough because over time we let go of some people, build different relationships, we change our habits and we change too. We transform ourselves based on newly acquired experiences and I think this explains why we change. Yet there is something that stays constant and unchangeable. This is the true essence of who we are. Don't get me wrong, we do evolve, grow, develop, where we get to carry ourselves, our essence though this life, during all this metamorphosis. At times it feels that we regress and life can seem that way. Through hardship and living life as it comes, we discover who we are. My own experience showed me th...