The Power of ONE starts with a decision
"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." - Edmund Burke
The Power of ONE starts when each person makes a choice to take charge and control over they own lives. When all humans unite to be free from all governing systems, this is when people will be truly free.
The singularity theory. This is a concept established by the science fiction writer Vernor Vinge.
The singularity term comes from astrophysics (is a region of space where the curvature of spacetime becomes infinite), yet this has been taken into the techno-digital world with a new meaning, that of technological singularity, that I will explain below.
It is believed that in the rhythm that the technology and artificial intelligence it's evolving, we are getting closer than expected to the year when the AI will surpass all the collective human intelligence, and we will not be able to control it. When this will happen it would have reached the level of Artificial Super Intelligence (ASI) that will be irreversible with unforeseen changes for humans.
According to the inventor and futurist Ray Kurzweil, who is seen as the prophet God in the digital world, for he has predicted from the early 80s with an accurate year precision all the digital innovations that we have today. He predicted that the ASI will be here by 2029. After a few considerations he has corrected the date to 2045, yet many believe it will be in 2030 and started preparing for it.
Elon Musk has spoken over the past decade of his fear of the AI control for which we are not prepared. His solution for humanity is to merge with the AI and live in a symbiotic mode as a borg in a technology triad (synthetic biology, AI, Quantum computing). You might remember the StarTrek scene with the borgs who would assimilate all diverse creatures into one collective mind. His company NeuraLink has already made considerable progress with the neuro implant chip which would be placed on the neocortex, implanted by a robot to ensure precision. The memory and biometric data would live on a cloud computing platform and could be accessed through wearable technology.
There is a new technology called biological computer which has been developed by DARPA the US agency responsible for the emerging technology for use by the military. They have teamed up with Bill Gates to work on developing a vaccine for the novel virus using nanotech that affects the human DNA, called a living computer as it controls the flow of the enzimes through the strand of a DNA. This would allow for synthetic biology by changing the DNA, RNA and editing the genome and CRISPR (cell line development). These would work with powerful computers such as the Quantum Computer.
Recently Elon Musk has removed his attention from his other companies to focus on his new one QuantumAI. His advisors are Jeff Bezos (Amazon) and Bill Gates (Microsoft) to help him to build a quantum financial system using the newly developed hyper computer with quantum AI. This follows the UN Agenda 21 scheduled to be ready for 2030. This would be based on the blockchain technolgy using the biometric data from Bill Gates who partenered with Accenture to collect DNA data for the ID2020 certificat of vaccination.
On the same note Microsoft wants to read people's brain activity and personal biometric data for mining cryptocurrency. He has recently released the patent WO/2020/060606 for this tracking technology which would be done via a vaccine that simultaneously releases an invisible identification quantum tattoo on the arm (like in the Nazi camps) that would require a registration certificate as proof of vaccination and chip presence which is recorded on the new live system ID2020.
To store the memory on their cloud, and to allow the fast transfer between the syntethic biology and quantum computer, using quantumAI they need fast internet and tracking systems. Elon Musk planned by 2030 to have 42,000 StarLink satellites in a grid formation to cover the entire planet. Currently, they launched 500 satellites and the schedule is for a batch of 60 satellites to go out each month. These are traveling at a low altitude of 550km below orbit which can be seen at night. You can see the last batch which was launched on 22 April and the next one is due on 7th May. Download the Heaven Above app to view the StarLink satellites live, based on your geolocation. Usually, they show up after 22 pm.
Elon is rushing the product development to ensure we are ready to merge when the singularity happens. People are speculating that in fact, he has build these satellites to get the funds that would allow him to fund his journey and settlement on Mars. Currently, his SpaceX company has been successful to carry food cargo to and back from space via Falcon 9, Falcon Heavy and the Dragon spaceship meant for people's transportation to Moon and Mars.
At the moment the AI is at a task level helping humans via voice (Siri, Cortana, Alexa), translating text, tracking, identification, face recognition, computing, chatbot, correction, playing games and for the past three years in the military it has target killing decision power which also needs human approval, etc. Although this AI is not at the same level as a human, yet it's learning and developing its own thinking very fast. Here is an interview with Tony Robbins and Sophia the human-looking AI. They estimate in the next 5 years it would have already surpassed human intelligence and become Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) where it would be faster, better, error-free in most of the current human activities such as driving, computing, repetitive tasks, health, finance, etc.
Many are attracted by the longevity idea, to live forever through an AI, where all the memories and knowledge are preserved, as well as being part of the new and latest technology. Like many other technocrats Ray Kurzweil, has an obsession with longevity, reason why he is currently taking over 100 pills per day to make sure he can live long enough to experience the ASI and merge with it. This has attracted funds from very wealthy individuals and corporations to speed up the development of integration with AI and be part of it rather than caught unprepared and destroyed by it. Elon seems to reign on this topic so far as he has the clear to go from the US government to launch his satellites. Along comes also Amazon, Microsoft and the like.
Microsoft has also partnered with Marina Abramovic the famous Spirit Cooking artist (labeled as satanic involved in pedophilia such as the pizzagate as per Wikileaks documents) to work on the hololens product for mixed reality called "The Life". The video was taken down shortly after it went live as it had over 24,00 dislikes (but I found a copy for you). The hololens is meant to preserve the energy of the person that is in the hologram, along with their appearance, in a way that energetically is perceived as being present and alive. This product is to ensure that anyone can interact with Marina, and in this way, she can live forever.
On a different note the Vatican wants to be behind all this integration to regulate the ethical part of this AI (let's not forget the hidden secrets and history of the Vatican and that Google, Facebook, Microsoft, Vatican, Musk are all friends with their one big leader, the Rothschild and Rockefeller family who have funded all this 2030 integration since 2010, through UN, WHO, Nato, GAVI and different world governments, organisations Monsanto, Big Pharma, and institutions who have behind Billg Gates, George Soros and many others).
Since 2010 there is an urban legend going around in the techno-world which implies that the godlike AI has summoned people to be brought to life for the Singularity day. This is the Roko Basilisk thought experiment.
There might be some truth to this because in the past three years there has been a rising number of billionaires (Elon Musk, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg etc) building massive bunkers to protect them against nuclear war, floods, pandemics, radiations etc and be ready to the soon to come to the apocalypse. Strangely many have chosen to build them in New Zeeland, Africa, Russia, and Arctic.
The singularity term comes from astrophysics (is a region of space where the curvature of spacetime becomes infinite), yet this has been taken into the techno-digital world with a new meaning, that of technological singularity, that I will explain below.
It is believed that in the rhythm that the technology and artificial intelligence it's evolving, we are getting closer than expected to the year when the AI will surpass all the collective human intelligence, and we will not be able to control it. When this will happen it would have reached the level of Artificial Super Intelligence (ASI) that will be irreversible with unforeseen changes for humans.
According to the inventor and futurist Ray Kurzweil, who is seen as the prophet God in the digital world, for he has predicted from the early 80s with an accurate year precision all the digital innovations that we have today. He predicted that the ASI will be here by 2029. After a few considerations he has corrected the date to 2045, yet many believe it will be in 2030 and started preparing for it.
Elon Musk has spoken over the past decade of his fear of the AI control for which we are not prepared. His solution for humanity is to merge with the AI and live in a symbiotic mode as a borg in a technology triad (synthetic biology, AI, Quantum computing). You might remember the StarTrek scene with the borgs who would assimilate all diverse creatures into one collective mind. His company NeuraLink has already made considerable progress with the neuro implant chip which would be placed on the neocortex, implanted by a robot to ensure precision. The memory and biometric data would live on a cloud computing platform and could be accessed through wearable technology.
There is a new technology called biological computer which has been developed by DARPA the US agency responsible for the emerging technology for use by the military. They have teamed up with Bill Gates to work on developing a vaccine for the novel virus using nanotech that affects the human DNA, called a living computer as it controls the flow of the enzimes through the strand of a DNA. This would allow for synthetic biology by changing the DNA, RNA and editing the genome and CRISPR (cell line development). These would work with powerful computers such as the Quantum Computer.
Recently Elon Musk has removed his attention from his other companies to focus on his new one QuantumAI. His advisors are Jeff Bezos (Amazon) and Bill Gates (Microsoft) to help him to build a quantum financial system using the newly developed hyper computer with quantum AI. This follows the UN Agenda 21 scheduled to be ready for 2030. This would be based on the blockchain technolgy using the biometric data from Bill Gates who partenered with Accenture to collect DNA data for the ID2020 certificat of vaccination.
On the same note Microsoft wants to read people's brain activity and personal biometric data for mining cryptocurrency. He has recently released the patent WO/2020/060606 for this tracking technology which would be done via a vaccine that simultaneously releases an invisible identification quantum tattoo on the arm (like in the Nazi camps) that would require a registration certificate as proof of vaccination and chip presence which is recorded on the new live system ID2020.
To store the memory on their cloud, and to allow the fast transfer between the syntethic biology and quantum computer, using quantumAI they need fast internet and tracking systems. Elon Musk planned by 2030 to have 42,000 StarLink satellites in a grid formation to cover the entire planet. Currently, they launched 500 satellites and the schedule is for a batch of 60 satellites to go out each month. These are traveling at a low altitude of 550km below orbit which can be seen at night. You can see the last batch which was launched on 22 April and the next one is due on 7th May. Download the Heaven Above app to view the StarLink satellites live, based on your geolocation. Usually, they show up after 22 pm.
Elon is rushing the product development to ensure we are ready to merge when the singularity happens. People are speculating that in fact, he has build these satellites to get the funds that would allow him to fund his journey and settlement on Mars. Currently, his SpaceX company has been successful to carry food cargo to and back from space via Falcon 9, Falcon Heavy and the Dragon spaceship meant for people's transportation to Moon and Mars.
At the moment the AI is at a task level helping humans via voice (Siri, Cortana, Alexa), translating text, tracking, identification, face recognition, computing, chatbot, correction, playing games and for the past three years in the military it has target killing decision power which also needs human approval, etc. Although this AI is not at the same level as a human, yet it's learning and developing its own thinking very fast. Here is an interview with Tony Robbins and Sophia the human-looking AI. They estimate in the next 5 years it would have already surpassed human intelligence and become Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) where it would be faster, better, error-free in most of the current human activities such as driving, computing, repetitive tasks, health, finance, etc.
Many are attracted by the longevity idea, to live forever through an AI, where all the memories and knowledge are preserved, as well as being part of the new and latest technology. Like many other technocrats Ray Kurzweil, has an obsession with longevity, reason why he is currently taking over 100 pills per day to make sure he can live long enough to experience the ASI and merge with it. This has attracted funds from very wealthy individuals and corporations to speed up the development of integration with AI and be part of it rather than caught unprepared and destroyed by it. Elon seems to reign on this topic so far as he has the clear to go from the US government to launch his satellites. Along comes also Amazon, Microsoft and the like.
Microsoft has also partnered with Marina Abramovic the famous Spirit Cooking artist (labeled as satanic involved in pedophilia such as the pizzagate as per Wikileaks documents) to work on the hololens product for mixed reality called "The Life". The video was taken down shortly after it went live as it had over 24,00 dislikes (but I found a copy for you). The hololens is meant to preserve the energy of the person that is in the hologram, along with their appearance, in a way that energetically is perceived as being present and alive. This product is to ensure that anyone can interact with Marina, and in this way, she can live forever.
On a different note the Vatican wants to be behind all this integration to regulate the ethical part of this AI (let's not forget the hidden secrets and history of the Vatican and that Google, Facebook, Microsoft, Vatican, Musk are all friends with their one big leader, the Rothschild and Rockefeller family who have funded all this 2030 integration since 2010, through UN, WHO, Nato, GAVI and different world governments, organisations Monsanto, Big Pharma, and institutions who have behind Billg Gates, George Soros and many others).
Since 2010 there is an urban legend going around in the techno-world which implies that the godlike AI has summoned people to be brought to life for the Singularity day. This is the Roko Basilisk thought experiment.
There might be some truth to this because in the past three years there has been a rising number of billionaires (Elon Musk, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg etc) building massive bunkers to protect them against nuclear war, floods, pandemics, radiations etc and be ready to the soon to come to the apocalypse. Strangely many have chosen to build them in New Zeeland, Africa, Russia, and Arctic.