Ultimate Human Enslavement Now Possible Through Covid
Recently there is a new bigger threat on the globe caused by a reported pandemic that has not yet been in depth scientifically investigated, no peer reviewed research made and which has failed to this day to produce medical evidence of the origin of this novel killer virus.
The real threat lies with the laws created by the world governments that have been planning for over 50 years this human enslavement by accessing our own bodies, though an emergency bill, that allows the health system along with the military to tresspass our body for the "greater good".
The statement "My Body, My Choice" is severly under threat and more so for our children and eldery which are the targeted demographics. There are strong statements here about bodily autonomies, the freedom from tresspass by others into one's own body for the purposes of own treatment or otherwise. You will notice that these have doors to be interpreted in such a way that allows intrusion by the authority, under an emerency law, and being vague with generic terms. This is a rape by the authority no different to rape, kidnap, pedophilia, surgeries, vaccination etc.
"In the case at hand, the wrong complained of is not merely negligence. Every human being of adult years and sound mind has a right to determine what shall be done with his own body; and a surgeon who performs an operation without his patient's consent, commits an assault, for which he is liable in damages."
US Supreme Court heard a case revolving around the withdrawl of life-saving medical care by holding that: "The logical corollary of the doctrine of informed consent is that the patient generally possesses the right not to consent, that is, to refuse treatment."