Self Development Tips


When you have one of those low moments for whatever reason, here is an exercise that will bring you back in the present moment.

Sometimes when wrapped in our emotions we forget about the good parts about ourselves. This certainly it happened to me.

With this exercise you will reflect the reality mirror towards you, to show you how others see you, versus how you see yourself. It will offer you a new perspective about yourself.

For this take a piece of paper and write your answers for the following:

1. Three things about my physical appearance people compliment me on are:

2. Three traits, talents and skills people admire me for:

3. Three ways I express generosity, give to others without expectations:

Note: Keep this paper on your bathroom mirror to see it when you wake up and before you go to bed. Keep it for at least 30 days. It will speed up the rewiring of your brain into believing what you don't believe about yourself, until it gets ingrained into your subconscious and it switches to automatic.



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